Water Heaters, Bedding, Quality Feed and Treats! We stock everything you need to get your birds through unpredictable spring weather.
3/24/25 MEAT BIRD ORDER deadlines have passed. Layer chicks will be arriving in 2 shipments during the weeks of 3/31 and 4/21. We cannot reserve chicks for anyone.
For your birds we offer Green Mountain and New Country Organic feed plus high quality feed from family owned Poulin Grain in Vermont www.poulingrain.com . Also in stock – supplements from Manna Pro www.mannapro.com as well as necessary equipment; heat lamps, feeders and waterers, small coops, bedding and treats…We sell fresh Diemand eggs at the store (for when your ladies are taking a break!)
If chickens or ducks are new to you, there’s a wealth of information online and we have several good books in the store on the topic of raising poultry.